Los 3360
UNCERTAIN GERMANIC TRIBES, Aurum Barbarorum. Late 3rd-early 4th centuries. 'Aureus' (Subaeratus, 20 mm, 2.88 g, 6 h), 'Plated Group'. Imitating Probus, 276-282. IIOOIIO - OИИHƧOIII Laureate and cuirassed bust of Probus to right. Rev. IIODIO ONINIIZDII Roma, heavily stylized and raising her right hand and holding spear in her left, standing facing in hexastyle temple set on podium of three steps; pellet-in-annulet in pediment; in exergue, large wheel and pellet-in-annulet. Aurum Barbarorum IV, 2391 (same dies). Holed and with breaks in plating, otherwise, fine.

From the Aurum Barbarorum Collection.

This is the first architectural type in the Aurum Barbarorum Collection, bearing an extraordinarily stylized representation of the Roma temple, which appears so frequently on the antoniniani of this emperor. Clearly the artist was copying an antoninianus from Rome, as the charming wheel in the exergue of the reverse is surely derived from the Roman wreath mintmark.
25 CHF
100 CHF
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